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Eating a lot of fiber could improve some cancer treatments

Author: Tina Hesman Saey / Source: Science News What you eat can affect how well immune therapies work against cancer. High-fiber diets may change gut microbes and make these therapies more effective, but taking probiotics could do the opposite. Researchers looked at people with melanoma skin

How Do I Wash My 100% Polyester Fiber Pillow And Blanket?

Source: Dumb Little Man A pillow or blanket made of 100% polyester fiber should be dry cleaned, if possible. But sometimes, you don’t have enough money to clean these delicate items professionally. If you are looking for the best tips in washing a 100% polyester fiber pillow and blanket, the list

What Is Fiber Internet (And How Is It Different)?

Source: How-To Geek Fiber Internet is the latest change to the way data is transferred around the globe. It’s much faster than cable, way faster than dial-up, and can carry large amounts of data in a single line, often reaching multiple terabits of data transfer fairly easily. Before Fiber: DSL

All the Things You Need To Know About Beet: From Health Benefits, Growing To Cooking

Author: Ana Erkic / Source: Lifehack Beet, amazing vegetable of the bright red color, is coming to the scene as the new super food due to its amazing health benefits. You can eat it fresh, pickled, or in a soup and it is even used to make sugar. Because it contains high levels of antioxidant and

Here Are 30+ Easy High Fibre Breakfast Ideas You Can Try At Home

Author: Nena Tenacity / Source: Lifehack In the everyday hustle and bustle of life, it is not easy to recognize subtle changes manifesting in the body. When something is not quite right,the body sends out warning signs of discomfort. We tend too dismiss these signs quicker than the 6am alarm and

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