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AMOLED Burn-in Fixer is an easy fix for the annoying questions android smartphone display


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The famous panel AMOLED your Android smartphone suffering from the terrible burns modules. 

Some owners early Nexus 6 units, unfortunately, were complaining about burnout show on a week or so after purchasing the phone.

You can let the clever little application called AMOLED Burn-in Fixer try to cure a nasty problem.





Will this fix the problems with uneven colour distribution across the screen. Every amoled I've had has very poor uniformity across the screen for white/grey. I've given up and went back to lcd as it annoys me so much. My wife has a moto x 2014 and it has it bad. I don't think she notices/cares but it hurts my soul knowing it's there.




I have been running the white screen for a while now and the burn in is slowly going away. The colors are fine and everything seems to work alright. I'll report back after I run it through the night. 



Stupid!!! Inverting colors is a native function on Lollipop, so you don't really need this app. Also, there are other apps that does that to both the navigation and the status bar, which are the most visible areas where the colors are distinct.


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